Core Java Programming

Core Java
Upcoming Schedule
- Start Date: TBA
- End Date: TBA
- Duration: 30 Hours
- Timing: TBA
- Frequency : TBA
Course Overview
JAVA programming course is intended for those who wish to learn programming concepts. This training course provides students with a foundational knowledge of the Java platform and Java language required to build stand-alone Java applications. It effectively designed to upgrade your programming chops into expert – level territory.
- Learn components of a Visual Basic application.
- Use ActiveX controls.
- Distinguish between event-driven vs. procedural programming.
- Create forms and menus
- Manipulate form and control properties.
- Compile an application with the native code compiler.
- Debugging errors.
- Database support to your application.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone interested in learning about Programming Languages.
Anyone interested in learning IT courses
Basic Computer Knowledge
Basic knowledge about Software’s
Eligibility Criteria
Basic Computer Knowledge
Basic knowledge about Software’s </p
Course Deliverables/syllabus
Introduction to Visual Basic
- Introduction Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Programming Language (Procedural, Object Oriented, Event Driven)
- The Visual Basic Environment,
- How to use VB complier to compile / debug and run the programs
- Your First Visual Basic Program
Adding Controls to Forms
- Visual Basic Controls
- Creating and Manipulating New Controls
- Changing Design Time Control Properties
- Visual Basic Built-in Controls
- Textboxes, Frames, Check Boxes , Option Buttons, Images, Setting a Border &Styles
- The Shape Control, The line Control, Working with multiple controls and their properties
Variables, Constants, and Calculations
- Variables: Public, Private, Static, Constants
- Data Types, Naming rules/conventions
- Declaring variables & Scope of variables
- Arithmetic Operations, Formatting Datas
Understanding Events
- Introducing Events and Event Procedures
- The Form Load ,Form ,Command Button Click and Text Box Change Events
- The Timer Control’s Timer Event, GotFocus/LostFocus Events
Working with Forms and Controls
- Setting Properties at Run Time
- Setting Form Properties
- Setting Control Properties
- Using ActiveX Controls
- Adding ActiveX Controls to a Project
Creating and Using Menus
- Menus in Visual Basic
- Using the Menu Editor
- Working with Menus
- Manipulating Menus at Run Time
Decision & Conditions
- If Statement, If ?then-else Statement
- Comparing Strings
- Compound Conditions(And, Or, Not)
- Nested If Statements, Case Structure
- Using If statements with Option Buttons & Check Boxes
- Displaying Message in Message Box
Menus, Sub-Procedures and Sub-functions
- Defining / Creating and Modifying a Menu
- Using common dialog box
- Creating a new sub-procedure, Passing Variables to Procedures
- Passing Argument By Value or By Reference
- Writing a Function Procedure
Multiple Forms
- Creating, adding, removing Forms in project
- Hide, Show Method
- Load, Unload Statement, Referring to Objects on a Different Forms
- Loops and Printing List Boxes & Combo Boxes
- Filling the List using Property window / AddItem Method, Clear Method
- List box Properties, Removing an item from a list
- Single-Dimension Arrays
- Initializing an Array using for each
- User-Defined Data Types
- Accessing Information with User-Defined Data Types
- Using List Boxes with Array
- Two dimensional arrays
Handling Errors
- Handling Syntax Errors
- Handling Run-Time Errors
- The Error Handling Standard
- Taking a Closer Look Who Handles Errors?
Data Files
- Opening and Closing Data Files
- Viewing the data in a file
- Sequential File Organization
- Writing Data to a sequential Disk File
- Creating a sequential data file
- Reading the Data in a sequential file
- Finding the end of a Data file
- Locating a file
- Reading and writing a random file (Get, Put, LOF and Seek)
Simple Database Support
- Support for Data Access in Visual Basic 6.0
- Using the ADO Data Control
- Binding Controls to Data
- Writing Code for the Data Control
- Accessing Database File(Using MS-Access)
- navigating the database in code (movenext, movepreviouse, movefirst&movelast)
- checking for BOF & EOF
- using listboxes&comboboxes as data bound controls
- Updating a database file (adding, deleting records)
Benefits of Attending
- High quality of trainings from Certified Expert Trainers
- Free personal/Corporate course Customization Guarantee
- Flexible Days and Timings
- We encourage you to speak to our trainers before booking to ensure that the requested course will exactly match the background and project needs of the participant, and that we can customize the course contents as much as possible to meet those project objectives
- All class rooms are well equipped with latest computers and networks
- We take special care to assure high quality of training to our corporate, personal clients
- post training support [ Email, phone, or personal]
- Printed Course materials and Certificate of Completion
- Most VALUE for Money
Course Fee
To know the current Course Fees, kindly contact us +973 1753 0775,6660 0550.